Current Features

Featured Reader

Blake More

Virtual Event on July 9th, 2024–6:00 P.M to 8:00 P.M.

Live stream will be available on our YouTube Channel at the time of the event!

Blake More

Longtime resident of California’s Mendocino Coast and living off-grid since 1999, Blake More is a healing artist with many creative voices and expressions. Often called a “renaissance woman”, Blake’s expressions range from poetry, art and video to music, holistic gardening, and sound healing. Poet Laureate of Point Arena, CA, She hosts the monthly Third Thursday Poetry & Jazz event and two radio shows: Be More Now on KZYX&Z FM Mendocino County Public Broadcasting and Cartwheels on the Sky on KGUA FM Gualala. She also works with California Poets in the Schools and the California Arts Council to deliver creative arts instruction in K-12 classrooms around Mendocino County. As a poet and dancer, she has performed in Tokyo, Amsterdam, New York, Los Angeles, and throughout the SF Bay area. Her freelance writings have appeared in dozens of magazines, including Yoga Journal, Utne Reader and Tokyo Time Out. She has written two non-fiction books, one fiction book, and six books of poetry – her latest is Dystopia Unplugged: Please Talk Back. For an extensive list and exploration of Blake More’s creative healing world please visit her website:

Please Talk Back

I do not recognize myself I don’t even answer
to my name
unless you say it
over and over
by then
it is nonsense
I can’t put my tongue on
who am I
a voice in a head a daughter
a poet
your friend
ideas land take off
just as quickly
pain does that
slips into the marrow and throbs
notice me
notice me

blake more

Start Making Sense

The saying is everywhere these days
“the truth shall set you free”
the pithy cliche from the book
saving and enslaving so many

what does it mean
what’s truth?

what’s free?

how much is it?
can you think about
the skeletons haunting
the ashes of the recent years
without suicide?
do you have the stomach
to watch without fear?

can you transform horror
into a dream
of peace?

whether we like it or not
there is nothing left
to do
but love
real love, true love, tough love
goodbye co-dependent
bow down low love
adios groveling closed eyes,
false-kindness love
sayonara sycophant suckubusses love

we gotta love fierce
love independent
love the chaos
taking balance away
so we can love
back into
balance again

blake more