Kim Shuck

Kim Shuck

Kim Shuck is a poet, educator, activist and visual artist. Born and raised in San Francisco, Shuck benefitted from the artistic ferment of the 60s. Shuck is author of four full length books, two chapbooks and many pieces published in anthologies, journals and online. Shuck is coming to the end of a tenure as the 7th Poet Laureate of San Francisco, which started in June of 2017. In April Kim was one of 13 poets honored as National Poet Laureate Fellows by the Academy of American Poets.

Another Map

Catch the trees
Ringing first thing
Chiming about
Anything but their
Deepest held
Secrets something about
Rum and
Raspberries and
Star charts that show
Movement as well as relative
Positions I can’t hold my
Breath as long as that bay laurel still
One morning I caught their
Ringing in an old
Silver locket and am
Saving the sound for a
Desperate occasion


Mother fire dragging herself through the
Dry licks and tastes she is the
Extreme cure singing
Shape shift songs singing
Change and heal
Toast and soup and the
Pines know their own
Ways to balance to
Call fog and harvest her
Thousand colors like
Fish scales they
Sizzle in the mother fire her
Muscles tight and
Feral the
Clench and release of her
Rummage through the rattlesnake grass and
Sumac and her touch on the
Cones just so
Just so and each one
Blooms and